What is the Gospel, really?

If you're breathing and in the western part of the world you have most definitely heard the name Jesus. Who is he? Some say he was a prophet. Some say he was a madman. Some say he was demonic.

I say that he is the son of God.

You might be wondering why it matters that I believe that..what could it change? Everything. It changes everything. Here is why..

As human beings we mess up. We want to be kind to ourselves and others, but sometimes we are mean. We cry and shake wish with all of our might that we could be anything, anyone but ourselves..until Jesus walks into our lives. 

To me, he is always kind. Always a strength. I feel at home in myself and in him more and more with each season. He wants you to know that you have a true home too. He wants to be that home for you.

This is the gospel. This is the only hope..to know the one who fully knows and loves you. Till the end.

Here is his story..

It all started with a sound. God spoke and created the earth. He spoke and created humankind, providing everything we could ever need. We turned away from him and chose to disobey what he asked of us (to not eat fruit from a specific and very important tree)..because we didn't trust him. We didn't trust that he actually wanted and knew what was best for us. Because he is just, he had to take away the closeness we once experienced with him. It says in the bible that we used to walk with God in the garden. We were best friends. But, because of our decision, he couldn't be with us like that any more. Still, he pursued us in creative ways.

He made a law that could help us deal with our meanness so that we could be together. He extended grace time and time again. He chose the nation of Israel to be his, and he had plans and hopes for her.

That system worked. But it was hard to follow.

So, God did the unimaginable. He became a man and felt all of the pain that we were supposed to feel for every time that we were mean. Mean to ourselves. Mean to others. Mean to him.

Why?..Because he wants to be with you. Not so you'll do something for him. Its not about that. Not so you'll stop being mean. He wouldn't have died an embarrassing death in his underwear for your actions. No, he wants your heart. He misses you. 

He just wants to look at you and have you know that he's not going anywhere. He's got all you need. He is God- the creator of ALL. He's not afraid of what you are afraid of. 

"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love" 1 John 4:18

There is a love without fear. He is there for you whenever you are ready. He's not in a rush, trust me. All it takes is asking him to heal and forgive you for all of the times that you have been mean. In one moment, he will. And you there will be peace because he's really got you now. Forever.

The devil will tell you that this is too good to be true. Why?..

It changes everything.

Feel free to message me with any questions!
IG: melisa.kens


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