

  1. Kennedy,

    Beautiful work; I love the beautiful simplicity amongst many of your pieces, and the fact that I could relate to so many of them. 'Walks' made me think about my two dogs, Lottie and Chloe, and how they absolutely adore going outside and on adventures. Overall they're happy dogs, and it doesn't matter if I've been gone a few minutes or a few weeks: as soon as they see my one again they transform into little kids who just saw Santa in real-life: what a great feeling to have them be so happy to see me. I'm sure Winston is the same way for you! Your "Where I'm From" piece really resinated with me, especially the part about Webkinz: these encompassed my childhood obsession-I actually mentioned them in my 'Where I'm From' piece. I still have all 400+ of my childhood Webkinz, and I still get more every so often: childhood nostalgia at it's finest. Do you have the pre-drafts and edits of your work somewhere for us to view?


  2. Kennedy,
    I love the good bye writing. This is a story I know all to well. Saying good bye to a place you have lived your whole life is hard especially when its 2020 and nothing is the same. Having to learn to accept change has been hard this year but I know we will get through it.

  3. All your pieces are so insightful and thoughtful. They are the embodiment of how I have come to know you! Quiet, but when you speak it is deep, important, and thoughtful. You are a gift spirit, Kennedy, and I am so happy you are in our cohort.

  4. Oh Kennedy, what a great job! I personally loved the piece about knitting. It originally stood out to me because I am a knitter myself, but I loved what you did with the piece. The imagery you create when describing your hat is awesome! And the metaphor of a knitted hat with maybe a little more love and work put into is as a representation of this year, and things not going to plan was perfect. A connection I wouldn't have thought of but I loved that comparison.

  5. Kennedy,
    Your writing is so expressive, I love how you include details about how you're sitting on the counter or piano recitals, sitting on your parents bed. Those glimpses help us see the picture of what you are expressing. I really like how those are portrayed.

  6. Hi Kennedy--It is always fun to see how writing has evolved and changed over the semester and to see writing I have read before. I hope you sent the letter to your friend Mary Beth. I enjoyed reading the brief knitting story and would love more here.

    Your nonfiction piece is really a personal narrative. I guess I didn't do a good job teaching that genre to all of you. To make it nonfiction you need info or facts such as the importance of walking a dog for health, or how to pick out the best dog for you, etc. Begin thinking how you can revise and tweak this because every child in WA has to write a nonfiction piece each year. YOU are a writer! Congrats


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